Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Fathers Day!

My husband told me that I need to get off my feet for the night and unwind. Yet here I am infront of the computer blogging.. I sort of figured I owed it to those of you who faithfully check my blog, and leave comments which are always appreciated! Things here have been hectic over the weekend so far. We have another foster child for this weekend. His name is Dominic and he is 7 years old. He is such a sweet kid, very polite, well mannered and quiet. Xavier and him are having a ball together I think, and even them sharing a room together is working out well, especially since Dominic is such a heavy sleeper. It is soo nice. Because Dominic doesnt wake up when Xavier does, if he cant find his pacifier. Dominic will be here till monday, this is just a vacation placement for him. Next week and the week after he will be here for the two weeks, while his other foster mom is on a sebaticle for nursing. I am really enjoying Dominics company alot. Jordan is on watch this weekend, so it is a little tiring I will admit taking care of the boys by myself during the day, but next week its going to be alot easier. But I am just so in love with being a foster mom! I love it! The pregnancy is going really great too. I am getting anxious to have this baby for a few reasons, some of which includes, my constant backache will be gone, i can do normal work again, and most importantly of all, I will get to meet my little sweet precious baby, who will be all our own! To keep forever!!!! But I still have 10 weeks left...And no for any of you who think I look ready to pop, like right now, I am not expecting twins! Now time to put up my feet and relax! Catch you another day, another time! And Happy Fathers Day to the two best Daddies in the world! I love you both! Take a day off, put up your feet, grab a beer and relax! Love Dianna


The Nieuwhofs said...

Thanks Dianna. I'll have that beer tomorrow. Nice pictures on your blog. You look good.
It is also nice to have Dominic. Gives you some change in your routine. We are all looking forward to meet this wonderfull baby of yours. I hope that you will summer well, with all the heat, you know. Love you, DAD

Anonymous said...

You're the best mommy ever. That's so great that you get to play a role in Dominic's life...even if it is only for a few weeks. Like your dad said, it changes things up, which is nice with routine.
I cannot WAIT to meet my little niece/nephew when the time finally comes! I'm so so excited to be Tante Emi. Woohoo! ;)
I love you and miss you so so much. Did Jordan get my card? I'm going to call this week sometime and catch up with you all before I leave...only 11 days left!!! We will definitely talk!
Eye Lub Ewe.
<3 Sister