Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Time and a Season...

"So, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."Ecclesiastes 3:1 Xaviers time left with us is too quickly drawing to an end.He will be leaving on Tuesday to live with his new family, possibly for life. He is going to live with his aunt and uncle and his two brothers in New York. It is going to be a hard transition for everyone involved. The foster parents, the kids, the aunt and uncle, and even the case worker I think. Everyone loves them all so much, which is something they are thouroughly enjoying. It makes it just a world easier to let Xavier go, knowing that God will have his hand on him for the rest of his life, knowing that in the time ahead when he has no clue what is going on and wondering where we are, Jesus will be comforting him and he will be under His wing. He is just the most precious little blessing ever! Xavier will always be a part of our family forever, and we will always love him too. So even though this may be a sad time, I am going to be happy for him. I am going to trust God to take care of him. I know that Xavier is in good hands, and will finally be able to grow up with his brothers in a good home. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6


The Nieuwhofs said...

That is a good way to look at it. One plants, one waters(perhaps many), Then, when it is harvest time, there will be a crop to harvest. Thanks to all those people that were willing to give from themselves to help others.
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefor, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Keep praying for them. They are in good hands.
Love you guys very much and look forward to seeing you in September.

Dianna said...

What a wonderful wise Dad I have! Thanks for the very insightful and encouraging words Dad!

The Nieuwhofs said...

By the way, the text was from: Matthew 9:37-38. And you are welcome!
Love, DAD

Anonymous said...

I can't think of a better place for Xavier to have spent the first part of his little life than with you two. I can't imagine the pain you must feel, but please know that every smile you gave to him and every song you sang to him and every word you prayed over him will be a blessing that God uses in his life to come.

We're so proud of you both, and your willingness to give of yourselves so completely. I know you'll miss him all of your life, but someday God will show you how He used that baby's time with you for His glory and for Xavier's benefit. Until then continue to lean hard into the Lord and let Him support your heart. He never lays anything upon us that He does not first consider the weight of... and even then He does not expect us to bear that weight without His strong arms to help.

We love you sooo much. I wish we could be there to hold you too. We're praying for you and look forward to the next baby He's bringing into your lives!!

Love always,
Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Been watching your blog the past bit "stalking" as it were :) And thought I'd say hi and say that I'm so amazed at all the God is teaching you guys and the room He's grown in your hearts for Xavier and others... He does beautiful work and I see that in you both!

I dunno if you heard but I am living in the US too now (married a USC in February). We're in CT so we're fairly close!! Anyway, just wanted to say "hi" and let you know we are praying for you both right now!