Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I Wonder....

I can count the weeks remaining on one hand now, and its both exciting and a little scary, but more cool than anything else, because this child will be ours, and I get to keep him or her. This is a gift that God has given us. It almost feels like a birthday present that is sitting infront of me, but I cant open it yet because it isnt my birthday yet. I kind of know what it is, but I dont know the details of it. What the baby looks like, if its a boy or a girl, if the baby has lots of hair like I did, or no hair like Jordan. How much the baby weighs, will he or she look more like mommy or more like daddy? I also wonder what out reaction will be when we finally see our baby, but Im even more curious of what daddys reaction will be when he holds his own baby in his hands for the first time?? Im sure there will be some tears on my part, consider watching "Birth Day" makes me tear up just about everytime the mom realizes she just delivered the baby, and holds the baby for the first time...I cant wait to find out the small details,but soon enough everyone will finally know! Will it be a boy or girl?...I wonder....


The Nieuwhofs said...

We are all wondering with you guys. Can't wait to hold that grand baby. It is going to be the most beautiful baby in the world, no mather what it looks like.
The countdown is on for sure.
Hope you can stand the heat just a little longer. But you can give me PEI weather anytime. I don't know how you do it.
Love you guys, DAD

Chelsea Gallant said...

Hey Dianna,

Just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you a lot, and I've been following your blog as you countdown to the big day! Know that you're in my prayers, especially as the time draws nearer! I know that God will bless you guys with a healthy, beautiful baby!


Anonymous said...

Hey you two!!!!!!
I just want to let you know that you are constantly in my thoughts!!!! I can't wait to see picture of this little cutie-petutie (???) Hope all is going well and love you oodles!!


Anonymous said...

We are so excited to think about all the amazing changes this baby will bring, and what a blessing s/he will be to so many people. I know I'm going to cry a bucket load of joyful tears when I get to hold this little one!

It's so amazing to think that somewhere in this world there is a little person who is a little bit of you and a little bit of Beanie and a little bit of everyone we love...

Hope you both are enjoying your final month together. Babies change everything, but not for the worse! They just bring change. And from the day you hold that baby in your arms you will always and forever be Mommy & Daddy first and foremost. This is the last time you will be Jordan & Dianna! From that birth moment on you will be Three... and someday Four and even More... so please take lots of time to reflect on your time so far as a couple. It's been good and God has done great things... but now the BEST is about to come!!! Yippee! Hooray for Baby!

Hugs and kisses,

Anonymous said...

Oh my goooosh! I can't wait for this baby to be born. Yaaaay!
However...I am still waiting to see those big belly pictures, ma'am!
I am sad to say that I don't know when I will be able to hold my little neicephew...but God knows that I will love this little baby NO MATTER WHAT...even if it does take a while to get to hold her/him. Same as Mom: I will cry a bucket load when I finally hear the news of my little semi-duplicate and will cry even more when I get to see pictures of her/him. I am so so SO looking forward to those tears!
I love you so much and can't wait to hear from you about the rest of your pregnancy/the birth!
P.S. I really really need your phone numbers so I can call you!!! My phone was working but freaked out in Cambodia and I can't get anything off it, so I need contact numbers. I've got to talk to my sister(-in-law) and brother!
I love you love you love you and miss you both all the time.
I am so excited for this Little makes me get teary-eyed now thinking about how I'm going to be an Aunt to the best little Neice/Nephew in the whole wide world. And all the best Little Ones to come, of course. :)
You're the Best Mommy and Jordan is the Best Daddy ever. You're going to be great! And Mom's right...from the moment you see that little baby on you will forEVER be Mommy & matter what. Not just by her/him...but by everyone. What an honor!
Okay...hope to hear from you soon. Send your number(s) asap so I can call and hear how everything is going before the Big Day!