Wednesday, August 29, 2007



rustico3059 said...

I like your slide show, nice pictures of the 2 of you.
Great job.
Have a great day and we continue to pray for you and Jordan, that all will go well with the upcoming big event.
Love you both,

Chelsea Gallant said...

Great slide show, Dianna! Love it!

Michelle said...

Awe Dianna!! Beautiful!! So nice to see pics of you guys!! You will stay this way forever.. Keeping your eyes on Him who is the center of your love!! :)

Michelle R.

Bonnie said...

Hey Dianna, I love the slide show. It's beautiful! Also, I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you, Jordon and your little one as they make their first appearance. Can't wait to see the pictures!

Anonymous said...

You are both so beautiful, and more so because of your love for each other and for all of us...

Happy Anniversary, and many happy and sweet years to come.

PS. How funny is it that the card I sent was of two kids at the park?

The Nieuwhofs said...

Wow, that is quite a slideshow. It really shows how much you guys are ment to be together. Soon with the three of you.
Love, DAD

Maris said...

wow D thats an awosome slide sw im realy exsited about the new baby and i miss you alot alot alot and im exsited about visting you so see you soon and by the way for my birthday i got a new webkinz its a black lab (dog) and when i come visstit you i hope we will get to go to the light house and i think it will be alot of fun and im really super mega wonderfuly superdoper exsited to see you anyways my fingers are kinda geting sore love ya lots love maris:D

Rebecca Jane said...

Such nice pics! you're a hottie Di!
I miss you!

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Gee, I love that song!
Great pictures. Makes me miss you more.
Love, Tante Karen