Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Baby Micaiah and Daddy..


Chelsea Gallant said...

Ohhh!! He is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations guys!! I'm thinking of you and sharing in the joy of your precious gift from the Lord!


Bonnie said...

Oh Dianna, he is sooooo beautiful! Congratulations again. Enjoy your miracle.

Michelle said...

Oh Congrads Dianna!! WONDERFUL!! And he's so beautiful!! Hope your first few days are beautiful and awe inspiring!!

Mary and Isaac said...

What a cutie! :) How are you guys adjusting to the new schedule?

We'll be coming by in a couple of weekends. Isaac finds out his weekly schedule at the beginning of each week. This weekend is out for sure, but perhaps next weekend?
We'll talk about it more later. Much Love,
~ Mary

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!
What a handsome little guy you have there, such a precious gift he is.
I know he has such a great Mom and Dad, I love you and miss you guys so much!
Can't wait to meet the him at Christmas, and yeah, to see you too... lol.
Lots of love, Tante Tineke, Aaron and Cassie

Kat said...

What a beautiful baby! So glad you're home and able to spend every minute with him now. Can't wait to see some more pictures. Babies change every day, you know.

Congratulations to both of you!

Aunt Kate, Uncle Tim, Cole and Nora

Anonymous said...

My little Nephew is BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm the proudest Auntie in this half of the world right now! And the other half too. :)
I love you both...all three, I mean...and am so glad you're all at home doing well.
He's the cutest, most gorgeous little Miracle an Auntie could ever ask for.
Love and miss you all so much. Give my little Micaiah great Auntie kisses for me and spoil him a little until I'm able to do it. That's what Auntie's are for!
Love from Nepal! (<-That's where I am right now! I wish you could be here!)
<3Tante Emi<3

Rebecca Jane said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he's so so so so so so sweet!
A HUGE congratulations to both proud parents!
Lots of love to you both

sugarnuggets said...

what a sweet little bundle and what a proud DAD!!!

Congratulations on your precious little son!

Blessings!! Tante Tetcy, Uncle Ray , Craig and Joe!

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Yes, it's me. This is my first adventure into blogging. I know, I know... I'm pitiful. I'll have to make more effort now that I know what to do. I just couldn't wait to see pictures of my new Grand Nephew. I can't believe I'm a great-aunt now. Wow! He's perfect. Oh I want to hold him. I really hope you can make it home for Christmas. We miss you and we'd love to meet your little man. Congratulations! We're sooooo proud of you. Yes I know about your little episode afterward, but you were exhausted girl. You'll be fine now. So take care.
I think of you so much! Love you!
Great-Tante Karen

Melissa & Jacob said...

congrats jordan and dianna!
welcome baby micaiah!
he's beautiful!


rustico3059 said...

Beautiful picture, and we were thankful to see him in person.
Quite something to realize, that we are now the grandparents of a beautiful little boy.
Keep us updated with pictures.
Love MOM