Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ugly Pride...

So I was just doing my devotions, and this morning in particular, it hit me like a ton of about conviction. I have a huge problem...its called Pride... "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, and the Lord Almighty" (Isaiah 6:5) I had to translate this bible verse into my own words, which took me a few minutes to figure that out.But this is what I came up with : " Now that I have seen the heart of the Lord, I realize that my pride has blinded me, and I have really missed out on what God has to offer me, because I am more self absorbed, telling myself how much I better I am than they, and yet here I am the one who is missing out on the glories and the riches of the Lord, becasue I am too busy thinking about the greatness of me instead of the greatness of HIM." Paraphrasing this has made me realize how self-absorbed I really am, and that I need to ask the Lord to forgive me and to constantly help me overcome my pride. This is a little portion of the devotion that Beth Moore wrote that truly spoke to me this morning: it cheats wherever it plays: My name is Pride. I am a cheater. I cheat you out of your God-given destiny... becasue you demand your own way. I cheat you out of contentment.... because you "deserve better than this". I cheat you of knowledge... becasue you already know it all. I cheat you of healing...becasue you are too full of me to forgive. I cheat you of holiness... becasue you refuse to admit when you are wrong. I cheat you of vision... becasue you'd rather look in the mirror than out the window. I cheat you of genuine friendship... becasue no one is going to know the real you. I cheat you of love... becasue real romance demands sacrifice. I cheat you of greatness in heaven... becasue you refuse to wash another's feet on earth. I cheat you of God's glory... becasue I convinced you to see your own. My name is Pride. I am a cheater. You like me becasue you think I'm always looking out for you. Untrue. Im looking to make a fool of you. God has so much for you, i admit, but dont worry.... If you stick with me, You'll never know.


Karen Nieuwhof said...

Hi Dianna! That is so cool. I was at the MCC lectures tonight and the thought was centered around that theme too. How many times do we think of ourselves and not savour the times we can spend in GOD's presense? If we can spend more time with HIM and less on wordly things, life would be grand, wouldn't it? Easy to say... not so easy to do. Sad. I think we're all guilty of pride and self-admiration.

Thanks for the sharing this thought. We need reminders...
My name is pride, Tante Karen

sugarnuggets said...

THanks for sharing that great devotion! I know that ton of bricks feeling!!! It seeps in very subtly and over time it takes over and you don't even notice....until something goes wrong. I'm so thankful God is there to pick up our pieces. He is soo faithful even when I'm not.

I hope you keep sharing the wisdom you come across.
Love ya, Tante Tetcy

The Nieuwhofs said...

Thanks for sharing.
It reminds me of the footprint poem. We blame God for not being there for us, not realizing that He was carying us.
Love, DAD