Monday, February 11, 2008

Rolly Polly Olly..

Lately Micaiah has been really really facinated with the mirror, and gets the giggles whenever I start talking to him while we are infront of it. This was taken after we got back from one of our walks, and our cheeks were all nice and rosy. For the past few days Micaiah has been really fussy. I think that we may have some teeth on the way...i hope anyways! Last week became a weeks of firsts for Micaiah. We had to go to the doctors office, and he had his first ear infection..while we were waiting for the doctor in the room, we put Micaiah on the table there and he played with the noisy paper that they have laying on there. Well then he decided that since this was a week of firsts for him that he wanted to roll over and so on that high table he rolled over! We were soo excited!!! (i was by the table just so you know.) Now he has really got the hang of rolling from his back to his stomach, now we just need to perfect the stomach to the back and we'll be going rolly polly olly all over the house. Im sure once he starts crawling, he will be so much less frustrated with not getting to where he wants to go. He is sure trying hard to get closer to his toys with his kicking...well as I am doteing over my handsome little man, he is awake, yet again and Jordan is home for lunch...gotta run!


Matt n Amanda said...

I LOVE that picture! he is such a cutie. It was so good to hear from you. and see a nice picture of the two of you. I cant wait to see you again!!!!!!!!love you.. I will call soon. Sorry i have been so busy.

Julie said...

this is the cutest photo EVER!

I'm so excited how much he looks like you... I could even see it in the one of him and Daddy playing Monopoly (on Jordan's blog). He has the best of both of you...

can't wait to see you, a week from Tuesday!

The Nieuwhofs said...

Wow, that is a really nice picture of you both. It sounds like he is getting more aware of his enviroment. And has to start exploring. Boys wil be boys!
Hope he feels better soon.
Love, DAD

Anonymous said...

Dianna, what a cutie you have there! And does he ever look like Jordan! Hope everything is going well for you.

sugarnuggets said...

Sweeeeeet! And good for you for being out and about...That's the best thing to do with fussy little people. You're such a great mom!!!
Love ya, TT
What a cute little fella!

Karen Nieuwhof said...

I wish I could see him giggling and rolling around and playing and... I'm glad you include pictures for all of us to see. It's very exciting for a first time mom, isn't it? I'm so happy that you enjoy him so much.
MY kids were home again this afternoon. Yet another snow storm. Crazy!
They are excited about their class Valentine's Parties tomorrow. Hope you and Jordan have a great day as well. Love from Tante Karen

Mary and Isaac said...

Cute picture! I agree. We should chat soon. The blanket is almost done. I know I keep saying that, but adding one hexagon every couple of days doesn't get me very far very quickly :P. only 10 more to add though and then we'll figure out how to get it to you from there.
Love you much!
~ Mary

Tineke Aaron and Cassie said...

Sounds like things are going so well, those first are so exciting.
Very cute photo of that little man for sure.
Luv you and miss you all. Love Tante Tineke.


I think he likes the camera to it looks like he is saying Hi mommy!! or Boo it is such a cute picture of him and you ahaha!!

Maris said...

Wow he is like the cutest thing in the world :D and so are u love u bye