Saturday, February 02, 2008

Stampot, Snert and Potatoes....

I love boerekool stampot and snert!! But I wonder what reaction people around here would have to that?? I think the thing that has made me the most famous is my potato salad...they've never tasted a potato salad that actually had some flavor to it..just the bland blaa version of the potato salad...eew. The potato salad is requested at every get together that we go to. I had a few requests to make that for my "dutch night" but why in the world would I want to give away a recipie that makes my cooking famous?? If I gave it away I wouldnt be famous anymore and neither would my potato salad! Besides I dont think thats a very traditional dutch dish anyways. Although my friends think that because I grew up on a potato farm that potatoes are very dutch.... I also thought about making boterkoeke (however you spell that) But I think they might be appalled at the amount of boter in it....yeah..especially considering everyone in that cooking group claims to be a health fanatic... Just wait till they taste some good solid dutch food! They wont be able to resist!!! :)I appreciate all the suggestions!They are great! My turn isnt for a few months anyways so I have a little time to think about it. I wonder if they even sell boerekool here???huh I should check. I sure do miss that stuff!


Matt n Amanda said...

I did try to call you so dont think that I forgot about you. hope you think of something yummy to make and I love you oodles and toodles. love Amanda

The Nieuwhofs said...

Let me know what you are going to do. Hope you figure it out soon.
Love, DAD

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Hi again!
I just asked Marten what he would serve for a "dutch night". He said Gouda cheese and Cervali (spelling?) salami for appetizers. Stompot for main meal. Buterkok (again with the spelling? and don't tell them about the butter :P) or almond squares for dessert. MMMMMM... sounds good. Shoot, now I'm hungry.

Have fun making up your menu. Do you have to decorate the tables in the theme too?

Have a great day. Love, Tante Karen

sugarnuggets said...

Boterkoek is a great idea, Dutch shortbread....just cook with your klompen on...that would make it a very authentic Dutch night!!!

Have fun with that, love TT

Mary and Isaac said...

oh - and they do sell boerekool... just not by that name. hahaha. It's kale around here.

Tineke Aaron and Cassie said...

goodluck with your dutch cooking night.
have a great week.
Love ya , tante Tineke

Anonymous said...

Well I think U should make botakoek cause mom just made some and it was mmm mmm mmm